Friday 7 September 2007

hosted on collabnet

this is a mini piece of crap - but seriously CollabNet - the "enterprise" project hosting company.

everything is super secure ssl - just what you need to browse some turgid java shite.

good job its all running on ZX Spectrums too - just to enhance that browsing experience.

perhaps those chaps at collabnet could take a look at to speed some of that crap up...

also - top class support for the enterprise - by using CVS (an outdated and cobbled together bunch of shitey shell scripts reimplemented in C) - you completely guarantee that nobody in an enterprise organisation will be able to download your code - as they are behind a web proxy - which CVS doesn't support. good technology choice.

Next: ProcessLauncher (again)....


Anonymous said...

Do you work for Apache, or JBoss maybe? If you don't like Glassfish then why are you wasting your time writing this much uninformed BS flamebait about it, and hiding your identity? Just use your Tomcat, JBoss, Geronimo, BEA, WebSphere, or whatever makes you happy.

I don't think you have a clue what you are talking about. Don't use Glassfish because their project is hosted using CollabNet? Don't use Glassfish because the is too sophisticated for you to understand? You must have had a bad experience, didn't know how to get around it and snowballed from there. You must not have asked for help in the mailing list where the guys who wrote Glassfish usually answer within hours. You must not have looked at the excellent documentation online. You must not have used the web based admin console for anything serious, not have learned how to use the sophisticated and useful asadmin tool from the command line, monitored web services, or used any of the Java EE features. You are probably one of those anti Java EE zealots spreading your propaganda.

I think GlassfishV2 is awesome. It is very fast, feature packed, and the mailing lists are very helpful. The user community is growing very fast and blogs like this one don't matter.

somepoorsod said...

Thanks for your comment!

If anything that I'm saying is untrue, please correct me.

I'm interested though in the "sophistication" of Did you write it?